About Me

I have been worshiping the Gods as a Hellenist for a full decade now. Like many others, I migrated to Hellenic polytheism (“Hellenismos” was the popular term then) from Wicca, which had been my accepted religion since 1998. That’s sixteen years as a Pagan of one stripe or another, and only now do I feel as though I’m getting a handle on the more-than-basic facets of Hellenism.

Within the past year, Hermes in His aspect of Kriophoros has become more and more prominent in my worship of the God. Hekate stands alongside Hermes in prominence. They are joined by Apollon and Agathos Daimon. (Not to mention all the divinities who are invoked for monthly observances, yearly festivals and specific needs!)

This blog honors those deities. It documents my praxis even as it continues to evolve with Their presences in my life.


Now read this

Hermes Kriophoros

Hermes is a rustic God, a truly rustic God. This is not a familiar image of Him. Those sides of His character that most often receive homage these days concern speed, communication, commerce—hardly surprising, considering all these areas... Continue →